Monthly Archives: November 2011

Thanks Living

We ask the little ones, “Why did God make us?” They chorus back, “To praise God and glorify Him forever!” Words of wisdom from the mouths of babes.

Why can’t I remember?

It is just that simple. Why do I complicate it?

All He asks is for my gratitude.

I pick up the printed page and the words are there to remind, challenge.

They convict.

Reflect: How has God blessed?

Contrast: What have I done for Him?

I think about Calvary, the old rugged cross learned in hymns of long ago.

Sacrifice, redemptiom, salvation, restoration, all for me, for all who seek.

And those who know your name put their trust in You, for You, O LORD, have not forsaken those who seek you. Ps. 9:10.

Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life. John 5:24

How can I do less than praise?

Me unworthy, sinful, estranged, now forgiven, restored, adopted, renewed, made whole.

How can I live my thanks?











We were handed a single bill. Each was tasked to bless someone or several someones. So easy to do and such a good lesson on how much I can do with so little.

Creativity flowed, joy multiplied.

How little it costs to live out thanks!

A quick note added at drive through window surprised the attendant and the ones in the following car. A homeless person was fed. A teen ministry received donation. The kettle was stuffed at the call of a bell.

Little is much when God is in it!!

At this time of year, and all year long, I am reminded to do…to show God’s love. For Him who gave so much, let me live my thanks to Him!

Family Worship

We sit in circled chairs around the room, some even folded onto cushions on the bright patterned rug. This way, we come into His presence for worship. We don’t need cathedral or pew, just praise. We pass hymnals and sing shyly the old phrases and tunes, some familiar, some new for the teaching. In this way, we gather to learn of Him, His Gift, His glory.

Small children listen in the doorways and watch parents thumb Bible pages and bow in prayer. This they learn is important, this family worship.

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. Prov. 22:6.

We share our meal and a bit more of our life stories, going heart deep.With this food prepared by many hands and this family combined by grace, we fellowship. Language and laughter helps us love better those that partake together. We are nourished.

We devour the Word together, hungry together for these morsels from The Bread of Life and refresh our strength with Living Water. We are satisfied.

And the children see, they see the smiles on faces framed in silver, a legacy of faith. They see tears of joy and sorrow, and comfort pressed in close. They see as Scripture is digested and taken in and souls are fed. They see the courage of fathers and the gentleness of mothers as they are held tenderly and cradled near the awesomeness of a Sovereign God. They are taught Love.

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, reproofing, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work. 2 Tim. 3:16-17.

 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the Word of Truth. 2 Tim 2:15.

Holy Kisses

I saw her come in and slip into line. Minutes later, she passed the steam tray where I spooned macaroni and cheese onto each tray before sliding it down the line. She was barely able to see over the top, but she greeted and thanked each of us as she went. I noticed her bold purple blouse, of course, since it is one of my color favorites, and the handbag that seemed too heavy for her frail arms. She adjusted her bag and took her tray.

Others came and went, some coming back for seconds and even thirds, and we gladly fed until they were filled. God blessed and the room began to empty before our pans were bare.

Many came by to thank us for their dinner as they placed trays in the opening to be washed and made their way back into the night. We started to tidy up as the last few finished eating.

And then, I looked up and saw a flash of purple again. The little lady had returned.

“Come here,” she said, motioning to me. “Come closer.” I leaned far across the counter to reach her. She took my face into her age-worn hands and planted a huge kiss on my cheek. I looked into her mocha eyes, revealed behind the slipping glasses, and saw their sparkle plus the radiant smile that illuminated her face. I squeezed her tight as we thanked each other.

Greet one another with a holy kiss. Rom. 16:16; I Cor. 16:20; II Cor. 13:12;I Thess. 5:26.

She went down our row, calling each one to her and thanked us with her best kiss. I stood in awe and watched this tiny angel bestow a blessing on each and laughed when I saw the little gold stud that pierced her nose. She pushed through the heavy glass door and disappeared, and I stood and prayed for her and prayed to never forget her gift to me.

I cannot wait to return next month to see her. I was so thoroughly and profoundly blessed.





Our church serves the Salvation Army monthly, and although I have prepared food before, due to schedule conflicts, this was my first time to actually be a part of the serving and greeting of the recipients.

If you have the opportunity, ….GO! You will be blessed. And who knows, maybe a little angel in purple will kiss you with a holy kiss.












Who shows partiality to princes, nor regards the rich more than the poor, for they all are the work of His hands? Job 34:19











But I am poor and needy; hasten to me, O God! You are my help and my deliverer; O LORD, do not delay! Ps. 72:2.

He said to him, “Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.” He said to him, “Feed my lambs.” John 21:15.

Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are you who are hungry now, for you shall be satisfied. Luke 6:20-21.

Measured Grace

Measured Grace

A gram of grace….

Just curious, I looked through the Wikipedia, my online source, since the old dictionary is seldom put back where it belongs…

The word gram, my word, my grandmother name, has multiple meanings.

  • gram- a volume of measurement
  • -a measure of the resistance an object has to change in its velocity
  • an opposite of energy…but not all is associated with identifiable matter. ( am I full of unimportant stuff…lol)

Words like inertial, active, passive… and my favorite part:

The word originates from the Latin gramma – a small weight. (But then that is another topic that I won’t go into).

Ok, so none of this pertains to being a Gram. But it was a fun way to kill some time while the cornbread browned in the oven.

Names are important to me. Biblical titles always held special significance, applied expectation, demanded accountability. So I pondered, fretted, fussed… You see, another of my friends had just announced her pending grandmother status and had a cozy tee monogrammed to show her new moniker and so I started my search. What name would I stitch onto a smart tote to fill with little goodies for sharing? I finally gave up, realizing that I wasn’t even expecting another generation’s birth. I would have plenty of time to decide when that time came.

Funny thing, I had hardly finished my self-talk when the announcement came. I could hardly believe the surprise and joy I felt. And then, O no…, I didn’t have a name yet for the little tyke to call me. He or she would have to call me something. It became my quest. I had to have the perfect name to make it real.

I spent more time thinking of names for myself, and a companion name for the grandfather-to-be who is my mate, than I should have, I suppose. But hey, this was a name that meant a brand new job for me.

I know many of you mom’s can relate.

You hit that “empty nest” stage of life where you are no longer raising toddlers, or picking up school kids and you are cooking for only one other than yourself and wondering what happened to your life. And then you are handed a whole new job description wrapped up in a little box holding a surprise like a pacifier or a frame that says “My Grandchildren. “ (This was not the way the big news came to me, but that, too, is a story saved for later).

I can’t tell you how much fun it is to know that your child, the product of so much love in your life, is about to become a parent. Picking out little pink hair bows or blue booties is more exciting than winning a lottery. And certainly, you can brush aside all remarks like “you are going to spoil this baby” with rebuttals of “that is my job.”

Of course, you are less convincing as a devoted parent, when you breeze right past your child and make a beeline to the bassinet, without so much as a hug for the forgotten one you birthed. You can usually redeem yourself if you go back and embrace said child, once you breathe in the baby lotion-scented bundle and kiss the soft skin and silk crown.  Be prepared to hear remarks of invisibility, etc., but carry on.

I used to laugh with friends who sent countless photos of pretty children who belonged to their offspring. I always told them to send as many as possible, so I could do the same. Alas, my time has come. You will see us at the park, me snapping frame upon frame. And did you see the one where he was playing in the rain, with water running down his thick lashes? And did I show you the one…

I thank You, God, for making me a Gram, for giving me a gift of Your Grace, and as the dictionary defines, my heart is grateful for:

  • Grace, the state of kindness and favor towards someone, God’s gift.
  • Grace, something that is God-given, made possible only by Jesus Christ and none other.
  • God’s gift of salvation granted to sinners for their salvation.


  • A Greek word related to Charis is Charisma (gracious gift). Chairo (to rejoice, be glad, delighted), and in the Old Testament, defined as “favor,” as “pleasant”, and as “precious”.